Sure, brands that sell baby products or childrens’ toys will enjoy this one, and parents become an increasingly important audience during the holiday shopping periods and Back to School shopping. But savvy real estate and auto advertisers could potentially take advantage of this targeting and attempt to sell larger homes or cars to larger families!Household income targeting can be particularly powerful in helping you cater your ads to audiences with different price sensitivities.
If your product or service is competitively priced, promote that in your ads targeted Benin WhatsApp Number at low and average income audiences. Conversely, if you’re selling high-end luxury products, you may want to bid more aggressively for affluent (or price-insensitive) users.2. Promotion Extensions [Still Coming Soon!]Google’s newest extension – Promotion Extensions – is listed among the other extensions (in the conveniently renamed “Ads & Extensions” tab).new adwords experience promotion extensionsPromotion extensions will allow you to highlight a special sale on your website. By doing so through an extension, you’ll save yourself valuable, limited characters in your ad copy.
Referring to it in one of your two headlines, a URL path, and the extension as you close in on the end of your offer to hammer home the value it represents.In accounts using Promotion extensions we’ve seen very high CTRs – often well over 10%!3. Reporting Gets a FaceliftThe new UI offers plenty of powerful reports to make analyzing your PPC campaigns easier. Google Ads now visually displays the breakdown of clicks, cost, and conversions across desktop, tablet, and mobile, making it easier to manage your campaigns and optimize your device bid adjustments.AdWords device reportingThe new Google Ads also highlights bar graphs and heatmaps for how your ads perform across different days of the week and hours of the day,