It’s to qualify your leads. Are you willing to take a meeting with someone not qualified? I guess not. So you need to ask a question whom answer will immediately let you know if continuing the conversation with this prospection is relevant. linkedin prospecting message template So separate your Linkedin outreach in steps: Ask your lead if he has the problem you are solving If he does, ask for a meeting if he doesn’t, it doesn’t worth it linkedin prospecting strategy Really keep in mind that prospecting is not selling, prospecting is qualifying.
If you know for sure that your prospect has a problem you seo expate bd can solve, selling will be much easier. . Back your question with data You must help your prospect understand why you are asking this question. Most of the time, it will be that you have seen many people like him struggle with the same challenges. back up your linkedin prospecting message with data This part is about reinforcing your legitimacy to contact your prospects.Your prospect don’t know you. So you need to build trust.
We can’t take the words of someone you don’t know for granted. You need to provide data and concrete example on what you can provide. Here is an example of someone that says that he has worked with a business similar to ours. It will be better to add the names (if it’s even true, which is not so sure). bad example of linkedin prospecting message He then says he had great success with business similar to mine. Success is a broad work.