When looking for a job, you can often find requirements for clothing style in vacancies - for example, we adhere to the dress code "smart casual", "business casual" or "business formal". To make it easier for you to choose an image, we have described each type of style in detail and posted photos with suits.
Business formal (formal business style)
A formal suit in blue, grey or black, which is usually worn for important meetings, negotiations and making serious deals. A man's look should definitely include a tie without a bright pattern, a white or light blue shirt, and classic shoes. For women, a pantsuit or skirt with a jacket, a blouse in calm tones, closed shoes (shoes with a small heel or pumps) and minimalist jewelry will be appropriate.
Business Casual
Still formal, but not as strict. Men are also recommended to wear a suit, but without a tie, instead of a shirt you can choose a polo. Women can replace the classic jacket with a cardigan or jacket, combining it social media marketing service with trousers, a skirt or a dress. This look is perfect for interviews if you do not know the dress code in the company, as well as for working with clients and public speaking.
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Smart casual (elegant everyday style)
Casual style — jeans, polo shirts, shirts, sweaters, dresses, skirts, but with business elements. For example, a T-shirt with a jacket or trousers with sneakers. It is better to choose calm colors or combine bright accessories with a formal look. This is the style preferred by most companies. In our organization "Russia — the Country of Opportunities" we also adhere to smart casual.